ISO 9001:2015 is the international standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS).
ISO 9001 provides a management framework to improve our business practices and helps us to provide services and products that meet and exceed our customers expectation.
ISO 14001: is the internationally recognised standard for the environmental management of businesses, prescribing controls for those activities that have an effect on the environment.
inovad are committed to environmental issues and we proactively work to minimise our impact on the environment, we strive to produce less waste and to increase energy efficiency and our use of natural resources.
ISO 45001: ISO 45001 is the new international standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS). It replaces OHSAS 18001.
ISO 45001 enables inovad to manage risk and helps ensure compliance with legislation. It helps create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, and in turn for our customers and their employees.
Carrying this new international standard means inovad are now consistent with the rest of the world with regards to Occupational Health and Safety and committed to providing a safer working environment.